On that fateful night, Pete the Potty Pirate and his three mates, Midshipman, Albert Ross, Cabin boy, Jim Ladd and Helmsman, Snivelling Sam. Boarded two-row boats. Pete and Jim in one and Albert and Sam in the other. They had heard from Alberts’ brother, Black Jack Riley, a known scallywag and thief, that treasure was to be found in Smugglers cove and he knew exactly where it was. He drew a map for Pete to follow and let him know he wanted his fair share of the loot. Pete agreed to this and they set off into the darkness. There was no moon that night, and they only had a dim lantern to navigate by. Suddenly there was a mighty clatter on the side of Pete’s boat, then another, then a tremendous wallop. Pete and Jim held on tight as the vessel shuddered and creaked under the strain. Finally, an almighty crash alerted Albert Ross, who was manning the forward boat. He turned to catch sight of Pete’s boat shoot high into the air, come down hard and capsize, and from the gloom he witnessed the terrifying gaping jaws of a great white shark rising out of the water and pursuing Pete. Pete by now knew what had happened and he knew he had to lure the shark away from Jim Ladd. He managed to reach Alberts’s boat and was clinging for dear life to the side of the vessel when the mouth of the ferocious beast chomped down on his leg, swallowing it whole. Pete stretched out his arm to push the shark away and lost his hand in the process. Finally Snivelling Sam cracked the Shark on the head and sent It packing but clumsily and unfortunately for Pete Sam hit him in the eye as he did so. Pete was pulled on deck and soon they rescued Jim who was so grateful to Pete for saving his life. No bootie was found that day, and Pete’s life was saved but sadly, that is the reason why he only has one leg and a hook instead of a hand. Unfortunately, he only has one eye too and Sam can’t forgive himself for that.

The End.

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